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Today I’d like to talk about something every ADHD adult or parent of an ADHD child has heard at some point or other: the idea that ADHD “isn’t real”.
You may have heard this from one of your nutty in-laws, or someone butting into your Internet support group, or even someone you love whose opinions you normally respect. There are many varieties of this idea, some of which have a fair amount of truth to them and some of which are almost completely loony.
Now, I’m going to start with the short answer, which is almost always the best answer to this, and then I’ll move on to some information that will help you in the few situations where you might not want to go for the short answer.
The short answer, the best answer, to people who say ADHD isn’t real is not to engage with them at all.
If you have to deal with them because they're a family member, school administrator, teacher, or childcare professional, this video will explain how to address those cases.